
A 100-place childcare centre is proposed on the eastern part of the site. This centre will accommodate children from 0–5 years of age to ensure that childcare options are available for local parents with children of all pre-school ages. This will provide a significant benefit to the local community.

The design philosophy adopted in relation to the proposed childcare centre is to orientate and design the development to minimise potential impacts on nearby sensitive uses.


The following is highlighted in this regard:

  • All outdoor play areas are located at the rear of the site towards Stafford Road. These areas are adjacent to the adjoining neighbourhood centre (non-sensitive use) and car parking areas associated with the adjoining land uses to the east of the site. This will ensure that any potential noise impact to nearby sensitive uses is minimised.
  • The interface between the proposed development and the proposed childcare centre has been explicitly considered. The use of blank walls treated with greenery on the western side of the childcare centre building will prevent overlooking or privacy issues between the two buildings.

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